
February 15, 2004 – Quick update on Nader. I happened across this site mentioned in a news story on the New York Times campaign 2004 page: I don’t feel as strongly about Mr. Nader’s role in the 2000 campaign, but I agree with the overall message. Good production value as well.

February 4, 2004 – Today I received a message from Ralph Nader’s exploratory effort, as he is considering whether to run in 2004. I sent this below message to his campaign.

Dear (potential) Nader campaign volunteer,

I urge Mr. Nader not to run in 2004. I do not blame Mr. Nader for Al Gore’s defeat in the 2000 election. Frankly, I think Mr. Gore lost that election quite well on his own. Mr. Nader had a valid platform and a positive message. However, there are a few truths about running in 2004 that he should recognize.

  1. He can not win. His results in 2000 should make it clear that he does not appeal to a widespread enough group to actually take the White House. He can make a statement with his campaign, but he can not win. However, this alone would not be reason enough not to run except for the second truth he should recognize.
  2. This is not the 2000 race. While I didn’t agree 100% with Mr. Nader’s assertion in 2000 that there was no difference between the candidates, I could see his point. But in 2000, with the economy doing well, I thought that even if Bush won, he’d have at most a four year term and wouldn’t be able to wreak much undoable damage. Its origins consist of inherited genes, tension, sleep apnea, and medicine for other professional cialis illnesses. purchase viagra There are dozens of Myntra coupons and discount coupons. Giddiness, nausea, body pain, fatigue, etc. are some normal side-effects. best price for sildenafil tadalafil best prices VigRx plus pills are over the counter pills which do not require any doctor prescription which means they are willing to really slow down and pay more attention in Daily life For diet treatment of prostatitis therapy, whether it is acute prostatitis or chronic prostatitis, the food should be selected more cool, clear tonic food. But I did not anticipate the tragedy of September 11th, 2001, nor the extreme reaction of the Bush administration. Our country could not be in worse hands during this crisis. Mr Bush must not be reelected. In 2004, with the weak field of candidates being fielded by the Democratic party, Mr. Nader can only detract from what should be a unified front to remove the Bush administration and return our country to a more stable relationship with the rest of the world. A campaign by Mr. Nader can only detract from that goal.

I strongly urge Mr. Nader to consider supporting the democratic candidate for President in 2004. Quite frankly, our country needs strong foreign policy leadership, and Mr. Nader is not qualified for the job. I agree with his message of shaking up the establishment, but now is not the time. 2004 must be about defeating the Bush administration, not about progressive people fighting each other. Don’t let George Bush, Don Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, et al have the last laugh. With all his valid criticism of the democratic party, even Mr. Nader must acknowledge that the Bush administration has made a mess of our country. If we are to change that, we must get him out of office. Mr. Nader is not the candidate who can accomplish this. For all of our sakes, I hope he realizes this and decides to support the candidate who can. Namely, whichever democrat wins the party’s nomination.

Best regards, and looking forward to a less critical time when a Nader campaign makes more sense.

Jason Mosley

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